Hemophilia Research Million Dollar Club
Ken Poyser, a person with severe hemophilia, who passed away in 2010, had a dream. He dreamed of an endowment of at least $1,000,000 to provide funding for inherited bleeding disorders research in Canada. In 1984, with the help of Richard O’Shaunessey, Ed Kubin (MB Chapter member and Past President) and many other committed people in the hemophilia community, his dream was brought into reality with the creation of the Hemophilia Research Million Dollar Club (HRMDC).
In less than six years, the HRMDC reached that goal! In 2000, Frank Bott, the father of two sons who had hemophilia, also had a vision. His dream was to increase the endowment of the Club to $1,600,000 and he spearheaded an ambitious fundraising campaign to which the Club will be forever grateful. Thanks to his efforts and the support of the Canadian Hemophilia Society (CHS), its chapters and regions, and individuals, this goal was reached at the end of 2004. By the end of 2015, the goal is to reach the 2.5 million dollar mark!
The capital of this endowment cannot be touched and this is why it is so important to continue to grow the endowment so that the earnings may be applied to research. The HRMDC, in partnership with the CHS, allocates money on a yearly basis to research encompassing a range of projects including gene therapy, von Willebrand disease, correction of mutations and many others.
Since 1990, the Hemophilia Research Million Dollar Club has funded more than 60 research projects, supported 50 Canadian researchers and invested close to three million dollars to improve treatment and to find a cure for inherited bleeding disorders through the CHS Dream of a Cure Research Program.
This is an exciting and promising time for research in Canada, particularly in hemophilia, gene therapy and new initiatives in von Willebrand disease. The Hemophilia Research Million Dollar Club (HRMDC) is a golden opportunity for you to invest in improved treatment and ultimately to find a cure.
Please consider a donation and to learn more visit the Canadian Hemophilia Society .
The Manitoba Chapter has a proud history with the Hemophilia Research Million Dollar Club. Not only does the Chapter own many voting certificates, but our members have also invested in the dream of a cure. These are the Chapter’s certificates, purchased in honour of our outstanding members, healthcare professionals and staff. Click on one photo and to move through a slide show.