Women's Health

Bleeding disorders affect both men and women. The most common bleeding disorder for women is von Willebrand disease (vWD). Hemophilia A and B (and carriers of), platelet dysfunction and rare factor deficiencies are also bleeding disorders that affect women. The majority of women who have bleeding disorders are not yet diagnosed. Symptoms include easy bruising, nosebleeds, prolonged bleeding after surgeries, heavy periods and excessive bleeding after childbirth.
If left untreated, bleeding disorders raise your risk for iron deficiency anemia , excessive bleeding after childbirth, Family Planning and sometimes unnecessary hysterectomies (surgical removal of the uterus). Treatment is available.
If you suspect that you might have a bleeding disorder we recommend taking a Bleeding Assessment Quiz. If you suspect that you have a bleeding disorder and wish to be diagnosed read Pipeline to Care and that will help guide you through the system to get referral to Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program.
If you have more questions about women with bleeding disorders or how to access Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program contact us at CHS-MC.
- Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia)
- Abnormal bleeding after childbirth
- Easy bruising
- Frequent and prolonged nosebleeds
- Prolonged bleeding after dental procedures
- Abnormal bleeding after surgery or trauma
The first step to a diagnosis is having a bleeding assessment. CHS-MC has listed tools in the Bleeding Assessment section to help you and your primary health provider determine if your bleeding is abnormal.
The process to get a referral to the Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program is outlined in the Pipeline to Care section.
The Canadian Hemophilia Society, Manitoba Chapter (CHS-MC) is the patient advocacy and support organization for bleeding disorders patients in Manitoba. You can reach us at 204.775.8625 or email us at info@hemophiliamb.ca. Our office hours are Monday through Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.
The Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program (MBDP) is located at the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg. You can call the clerk at 204.787.2465 and they will forward your contact information to the MBDP nurses.
The CHS-MC Women and Girls with Bleeding Disorders (WGBD) Advocacy Committee was created in 2019. Our Public Health project focuses on providing educating and resources to primary healthcare providers on WGBD. Our goal is to improve the average time from the onset of symptoms to time of diagnosis (16 years) for women and girls in our community.
Please consider sharing Resources for Clinicians: Women & Girls with Inherited Bleeding Disorders with your primary healthcare provider.