Homecare Supplies & The Postal Strike
Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program (MBDP)
If you get your infusion supplies from the MBDP via post, you will need to make arrangements to collect your supplies from the nurse’s office in the Community Services Building at 685 William Ave.
- The office is open Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm.
- Call Sandy, the clerk, at 204.787.2465, to arrange a time for pick up. The building is locked and you need a time to ensure that someone is there to meet you.
- The Chapter is unable to send a courier for supplies. Access to the building and the lack of a specific arrival time makes a courier impossible.
- If you have exhausted your options to pick up your supplies, call the Chapter office at 204.775.8625 or email info@hemophiliamb.ca and we will try to help you.
Hemlibra Homecare Supplies
Roche is sending out supplies via Federal Express so there should only be a momentary disruption in receiving infusion supplies.