Larger images of the infographics available to order can be viewed below.
Canadian Hemophilia Society, Manitoba Chapter
CHS-MC provides education programs and direct support to Manitobans with all inherited bleeding disorders. We have a vibrant website that includes a Women’s Health section as well as a listing of the programs and services we offer in the Member Services section. Manitobans can register their family with us by filling out a Member Registration Form. Our social media feeds are @HemophiliaMB and include Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program HSC
The Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program provides comprehensive care services for children and adults with bleeding disorders in Manitoba. To learn more about them, please visit Best Blood Manitoba.
Referrals to the Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program are sent to the Referrals Office at CancerCare Manitoba and should be accompanied by a bleeding assessment. You can find bleeding questionnaires for both adult and pediatric patients from the Clinical and Molecular Hemostasis Research Group Queen’s University & Kingston General Hospital.
Guidelines on the Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease
Canadian Hemophilia Society
Pocket sized booklet featuring among other tools an algorithim leading from an initial clinical assessment through initial lab and confrimatory VWD tests. It also features a detailed scored bleeding questionnaire to help with the diagnosis as well as a table describing common laboratory results for each type of VWD.
Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of von Willebrand Disease
These evidence-based guidelines of the American Society of Hematology (ASH), the International Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ISTH), the National Hemophilia Foundation (NHF), and the World Federation of Hemophilia (WFH) are intended to support patients, clinicians, and other health care professionals in their decisions about VWD diagnosis.
Menstrual Bleeding Assessment & Management
Let’s Talk Period aims to increase awareness of the signs and symptoms of bleeding disorders. As many as 1 in 1000 individuals may be suffering from a bleeding disorder, but many of these may not understand if their bleeding is normal or abnormal and therefore do not seek help. Through her internationally recognized research program at Queen’s University, Dr. James, Hematologist at Kingston General Hospital, and her team have developed a self-administered bleeding assessment tool (Self- BAT) that will help inform people about their bleeding and guide them toward the help they need.
WeThrive: Identifying Heavy Menstrual Bleeding in Adolescents with an mHealth App
Dr. Meghan Pike is a subspecialty resident in Pediatric-Hematology Oncology at Dalhousie University/IWK Health Centre. She has creatied and validated the Adolescent Menstrual Bleeding Questionnaire (aMBQ), designed to measure the impact of heavy menstrual bleeding on adolescent quality-of-life, which was recently published in RPTH. She secured a grant from the Canadian Hemophilia Society to develop an app to incorporate the aMBQ. The app, called WeThrive, can identify adolescents who have heavy menstrual bleeding; it officially launched on November 10th, 2021.
The app is free and available on Android, IIOS, and at the Google store.
Printed Infographics Available from Resource Order Form
WeThrive App