Volunteer Awards

Volunteer participation is essential to the Canadian Hemophilia Society, Manitoba Chapter’s ability to further its mission of helping those with bleeding disorders.  Our Volunteer Recognition Program allows us to show our great appreciation for our valued volunteers and allows the Chapter to celebrate their significant contributions.


A call for nominations from the membership is made prior to the Annual General Meeting.  Submitted nominations are then forwarded to the Executive Committee for selection.

You can nominate a Chapter volunteer via the Online CHS-MC Award Nomination Form. The deadline for 2021 nominations is March 14th, 2022

Stuart Johnson Award

Awarded to: a Chapter member with a bleeding disorder who has demonstrated devoted services to the causes of the Chapter

Special Recognition Award

Awarded to: either a Chapter member or a member of the Bleeding Disorders Care Team who has made a significant contribution to the Chapter within the past year or over a number of years

Volunteer of the Year Award

Awarded to:  a Chapter member in recognition of outstanding service to the Chapter over the previous year

Youth Recognition Award

Awarded to: a member of the Chapter Youth who has shown outstanding leadership and mentoring of the youth

Corporate Recognition Award

Awarded to: Corporations – in recognition and appreciation of outstanding corporate support of the bleeding disorders community

2019 CHS-MC Awards

Kathy Mulder is received the 2019 CHS-MC Volunteer of the Year Award for her work on the Chapter’s Member Satisfaction Survey with the Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program. This project allowed the members to share their experiences and open a productive dialogue with the Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program. Our collective goal is to improve the lives of Manitobans living with inherited bleeding disorders. 

2018 CHS-MC Awards

Ashley Tolton received the CHS-MC Special Recognition Award at the 2019 Gala Dinner of Culinary Inspirations; Masquerade Fete for her work as a Board Director and Chair of the Chapter’s volunteer committee. 


2016 CHS-MC Awards

Dr. Sara Israels was awarded the Canadian Hemophilia Society, Manitoba Chapter’s Special Recognition Award at the 2017 Gala Dinner of Culinary Inspirations; A Royal Affair.

2014 CHS-MC Awards

Volunteer awards were presented at the CHS-MC 12th Annual Gala Dinner of Culinary Inspiratons; Gold Star Classics. 

  • John Rogasky received the Stuart Johnson Award
  • Kathy Mulder received the Chapter’s Special Recognition Award
  • Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries received the Chapter’s Corporate Recognition Award