Volunteer with CHS-MC
As a grassroots organization, none of our programs and services would be possible without the time, energy and talents of our volunteers. Volunteer contributions are vital to the work of the Chapter and those contributions are both recognized and valued. CHS-MC is committed to the ongoing development of volunteer policies and procedures to encourage good practices.

2024 Award Nominations Now Open!
Nominations are now open for the 2024 Chapter volunteer awards! Is there a Chapter member who has made a difference to you and your family? Would you like to acknowledge a member who is making an impact that helps our community? Is there a member of the Manitoba Bleeding Disorders Program who should be celebrated? Here is your opportunity to show your appreciation.
The Volunteer Awards section of our website describes all the awards that the Chapter has to offer. The online award nomination form lists all the past recipients of each award.
2024 nominations will close on January 20, 2025.
Volunteer Opportunities
Throughout the year, CHS-MC has a variety of episodic and committee work opportunities. This includes sitting on our Board of Directors, our various program and fundraising committees. We encourage you to have a look and see what opportunities would suit your interest and the amount of time you have to volunteer.
Committee Volunteers Needed
Apply to Volunteer
Please download out fill our application form and we will be in touch to arrange an interview.